Is chewing gum causing you to bloat?
X is for Xylitol.
Xylitol. It is in a lot of chewing gum as it has been proven to have a beneficial effect on reducing negative oral bacteria to stop the formation of plaque. BUT, it can also reach the large intestine intact and potentially have a negative effect on our good gut microbes.
Xyltiol is a sugar alcohol and is also a FODMAP along with other sweeteners ending in “ol” and they can trigger symptoms like bloating, gas and loose stools because the body finds it so hard to break down. Although it comes from ‘natural’ sources, they are often non organic GMO corm crops and it is highly processed to form a white powder for use in toothpaste, cooking etc.
If you chew gum daily and suffer from any of the above symptoms, try removing it and keep a symptom diary for a week – noting any changes.
Because of its low-calorie content, it is used a lot as a replacement to sugar in baking, so if you suffer from digestive discomfort after eating foods that contain the sweetener you may have an issue.
There are some favourable studies on Xylitol and gut microbes but given the fact it kills bacteria I would use with caution, there are many other natural alternatives for baking which include:
· Honey
· Coconut nectar or sugar
· Dates or date syrup
As for chewing gum, if you stay hydrated you won’t need to worry about bad breath! Only issues like acid reflux cause bad breath, if you are truly concerned then Holland and Barrett sell sweetener free chewing gum, one brand is called ‘Simply Gum’.