Should I stop eating dairy?

Should I stop eating dairy?

Do you feel bloated or uncomfortable after eating certain foods? Dairy can be a big culprit for triggering IBS flare ups or symptoms.

You can be born with a milk allergy or intolerance or through adult life you can damage the villi in your gut that absorb and breakdown milk proteins, presenting as an intolerance later in life. This can happen after a bout of food poisoning or an infection that affects your gut.

Dairy is also associated with skin issues like rashes and eczema, many find that when they cut out dairy, they see a huge improvement.

So where will you get your calcium??

Yes, dairy does contain calcium but so do many other foods such as fruits and vegetables. In fact, calcium from cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, watercress, kale) is absorbed two times more efficiently than any dairy source. Other good non- dairy sources include:

·         Fortified non-dairy milk


·         Dried or fresh figs

·         Sardines, salmon, whitebait, pilchards

·         Tofu, soybeans

·         Almonds, sesame seeds

If you cut out dairy for a trial period, keep a diary of your symptoms and see if they improve. It is important to note that salt, processed foods, lack of sun exposure, lack of exercise and excess caffeine can deplete calcium.

If you would like help on identifying if you have a dairy intolerance then book in for a free discovery call with me on my website today.

Camilla Gray