Vitamin D and IBS, what is the link?
Vitamin D and IBS – what is the link?
This grey and dreary summer weather means we are not getting our daily quota of sun exposure needed to synthesise enough vitamin D to meet our daily needs. As vitamin D is only found in small amounts in foods, we really need to get the majority of it from sun exposure or supplementation. Vitamin D is needed for mood, immunity, bone health and more.
So what is link with vitamin D and IBS/IBD?
There have been seven studies published to date. All studies show that a low vitamin D status is observed in a large proportion of patients with IBS/IBD. Although not all showed improvement with supplementation, in two interventional studies there was a marked improvement in quality of life scores. I believe it is due to the anti-inflammatory, immune regulating properties that vitamin D has.
So how you do avoid becoming deficient in vitamin D? Genetically I have a raised need for Vitamin D (thanks to DNAfit for unlocking this info) so I have been supplementing through the winter, I would advise getting Vitamin D levels tested at the end of the winter (around March/April) when you will be at your lowest. This will give you a good indication of whether you need to supplement or not. If you have darker skin, work in a city or keep your skin covered then you need to supplement all year round.
When choosing a supplement, go for D3 as this is in the form the body needs. I like a sublingual one like “Better You” oral spray for instant absorption that doesn’t need to bypass the gut.
Oily fish is the richest source of Vitamin D in food form, eggs and mushrooms contain modest amounts and fat is needed to assort vitamin D properly, so those on low fat diets may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency. 10 minutes of sun exposure can generate 400iu of vitamin D in those with fairer skin and it is best picked up on your forearms so get your sleeves up on your lunch break and eat outside even if its cloudy – you can still synthesise vitamin D.
To find out if I can help you overcome your IBS or digestive symptoms, please book in for a free 15 minute call on my website.