Gluten intolerent?
G is for Gluten
Why do so many people have such a problem with gluten nowadays? Honestly, I cannot answer that comprehensively. All I know is that I have seen my clients do so well on a gluten free diet. I don’t want to jump on the bandwagon of gluten free but I have seen digestive symptoms disappear with the removal of gluten, almost immediately in some cases.
There is a protien in gluten that is a large molecule that our body finds hard to break down so it can contribute to the tearing of the gut lining when repeatedly ingested day in day out, so this can lead to a leaky gut and then onto other disorders.
If you are thinking about trailing a gluten free diet then here are my top tips.
1. Avoid replacing with free from alternatives that can contain lots of chemicals and preservatives. Look for naturally gluten free alternatives like buckwheat noodles, rice noodles, flaxseed bread etc.
2. Be prepared, make your own food, bread, lunch for work etc. Not everywhere caters for gluten free.
3. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, spelt, oats and rye so check the back of packets to make sure you are actually avoiding it all.