What has eczema got to do with my gut?
E is for eczema
You are probably thinking – why am I talking about Eczema in relation to gut health, they are not connected?? Wrong! In fact, they most certainly are. Eczema can sometimes be triggered by an external irritant but most commonly (in 80% of cases) it is linked to a food intolerance and a leaky gut.
When eczema shows up on the skin it has already worked its way through the whole body and you need to start addressing the root cause of the problem. Looking for the food trigger e.g. Wheat, dairy, sugar, caffeine and removing it from your diet either temporarily or for longer. Addressing and healing the gut lining along with stress reduction techniques are the next steps. Stress can be from excercise, exhaustions, chemicals from pesticides and heat.
3 tips if you have eczema:
1. Find your trigger remove it, keep a food diary on the days it is bad.
2. Go organic! Reducing pesticides that irritate the gut will help heal a leaky gut. Check the EWG website for the list of foods you should buy organically.
3. Eat lots of oily fish like wild salmon, mackerel, herring, trout and sardines. Oily fish contains omega 3 which is a potent anti-inflammatory or take a high quality omega 3 supplement.